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Critical thinking and Information Literacy: Resources

Information Literacy and Critical Thinking

Resources on Critical Thinking

Blooms Taxonomy- Useful Image. Source Google Images

Source: Google Images.

Critical Thinking -- Bibliography

Some Useful Work on Critical Thinking, Research, Writing and Assignments


Bean, John C. Engaging Ideas the Professor's Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom. Ed. Maryellen Weimer. 2nd ed.. ed. San Francisco; San Francisco, CA: San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2011.

Beck, Sheila, and Devin McKay. "Critical Collaborations: An Information Literacy Across the Curriculum Project." (2011).

Condon, William, and Diane Kelly-Riley. "Assessing and Teaching what we Value: The Relationship between College-Level Writing and Critical Thinking Abilities." Assessing Writing 9.1 (2004): 56-75.

Dwyer, Christopher P. Critical Thinking : Conceptual Perspectives and Practical Guidelines. 2017.

Dykstra, De Vee E. "Integrating Critical Thinking and Memorandum Writing into Course Curriculum using the Internet as a Research Tool." College Student Journal 42.3 (2008): 920-9.

Edwards, S. L. "Education. Critical Thinking and Analysis: A Model for Written Assignments." British Journal of Nursing 7.3 (1998): 159-66.

Gregerson, Mary Banks, James C. Kaufman, and Heather T. Snyder. Teaching Creatively and Teaching Creativity. New York, NY: New York, NY : Springer, 2013.

Heron, Gavin. "Critical Thinking in Social Care and Social Work: Searching Student Assignments for the Evidence." Social Work Education 25.3 (2006): 209-24.

Jani, Jayshree S., and Marcela Sarmiento Mellinger. "Beyond " Writing to Learn": Factors Influencing Students' Writing Outcomes." Journal of Social Work Education 51.1 (2015): 136-52.

Kawaguchi, Linda. Designing Research Assignments to Encourage Critical Thinking and Creative Problem-Solving Skills. Vol. 19., 2011.

Leonard, Anne E., and Ian Beilin. "Teaching the Skills to Question: A Credit-Course Approach to Critical Information Literacy." (2013).

McDaniel, Kathryn N. "Read Long and Prosper: Five do's and Don'Ts for Preparing Students for College." Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas 87.2 (2014): 83-7.

Piergiovanni, Polly R. "Creating a Critical Thinker." College Teaching 62.3 (2014): 86-93.

Schmidt, S. J. "Using Writing to Develop Critical Thinking Skills." NACTA journal; Using writing to develop critical thinking skills 43.4 (1999): 31-8.

Schwiebert, John E. "The Topic/Form Grid: Diverse Forms of Writing to Enrich Thinking." College Teaching 44.1 (1996): 8-12.

Thaler, Valerie S. "Teaching Historical Research Skills to Generation Y: One Instructor's Approach." History Teacher 46.2 (2013): 267-81.

Varelas, Antonios, Kate S. Wolfe, and Ernest Ialongo. "Building a Better Student Developing Critical Thinking and Writing in the Community College from Freshman Semester to Graduation." Community College Enterprise 21.2 (2015): 76-92.