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General Reference: Books

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Finding Books in the Library

Finding Books in the Library

What are call numbers?

  • Each library item (book, video, DVD) has its own unique identifying number, or call number. This number reflects the subject of the item.
  • At BCC, call numbers are derived from the Library of Congress (LC) Classification Scheme.
  • A call number is like an address that gives the location where the item can be found in the library.

Reading call numbers

(1) Search the libraries' Catalog for a book or other material. Look closely! Is the item in the STACKSREFERENCE, or RESERVE?

  • STACKS: Books you can check out of the library. They are located on the third floor.
  • REFERENCE: Books that cannot be checked out of the library. They are located on the second floor. 
  • RESERVE: 3-day or 3-hour loan. Check out the book at Circulation Desk.  


2) Write down the entire call number: DS145 .M465 2007
DS    DS comes between DR and DT
M465    M465 comes between M30 and M 500 


Example of how to read call numbers

image courtesy of Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia


An Encyclopedia is a reference work that contains information about many different subjects or a lot of information about a particular subject.


An Atlas is a book of maps.


An Almanac is a book published every year that contains detailed information on a special subject.