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Information Literacy and Critical Thinking

Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous. Study without reflection is a waste of time; reflection without study is dangerous.


As professionals and academics, we all have a mental definition of what is involved in a critical thinking task. This guide will attempt to present some useful guidelines, definitions, and exercises for promoting the development of critical thinking.

Of imperative importance is to be aware that Critical Thinking is a process that must be taught and illustrated. Many times the processes of Critical Thinking are not natural cognitive manifestations for tasks such as writing a paper or a discipline-specific assessment-- Students need to be exposed directly to the diverse elements of many critical thinking tasks. Do not take for granted that a student knows how to do a task just because you assign it!

Note -Most Images Compiled from Google Image Search.

The above book has been an invaluable source in my quest to understand and teach Critical Thinking. It informs lots of the content here!

Welcome to the Critical thinking and Information Literacy LibGuide

  • What is Critical Thinking?  
  • What are the foundations of critical thinking (CT), and why is CT important?
  • What do you expect from your students when you ask them to critically evaluate?
  •  What does CT mean to you?

As professionals and academics we all have a mental definition of what is involved in a critical thinking task. This guide will attempt to present some useful guidelines, definitions, and exercises for promoting the development of critical thinking.

Most important is to be aware that Critical Thinking as a process must be taught and illustrated. Many times the processes of Critical Thinking are not manifested naturally for some tasks such as writing a paper.


What is Critical Thinking?

Critical Thinking is the meta cognitive structural framework upon which we make sense of the world. Critical Thinking outlines the mental processes that are engaged in understanding a particular task, and the processes on which we acquire and produce new knowledge. Its importance cannot be overstated. In many cases the process of thinking critically needs to be illustrated by the instructor.

MOST IMPORTANTLY--Critical Thinking operates surreptitiously, and it is often achieved and activated by the practice of three core skills: analysis; evaluation and inference.


Critical Thinking Frameworks and the Establishment of Metacognitive Strategies