OneSearch is a tool designed to bring together all of the library's resources under one "roof". This variety of resources includes print books, electronic books, media (DVDs), book chapters, journal articles, magazine articles and newspaper articles. Conference proceedings, dissertations, reviews and other material is also included. The process is meant to make your research experience more convenient.
OneSearch provides a similar layout to most popular databases and functions in the same manner. Users can input their search terms and use the limiters to control the results lists.
1. Title: "human services"
OneSearch will provide documents, books and articles that contain the term "human services" in the title.
2. Subject: human services
OneSearch will provide items that are categorized under the subject of human services.
3. Anyfield: human services AND Anyfield: students
OneSearch will highlight both human services and students in the title, subject, abstract and/or text of each item in the result list.
4. Anyfield: human services AND Anyfield: veterans
OneSearch will provide articles, books and other material with the terms human services and veterans in the title, subject, abstract and/or text of each item in the result list.