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These are resources that will support first year experience here at Bronx Community College.

Finding Quality Resources


When evaluating sources look for currency, relevance, accuracy, authority, and purpose

Your use of sources is a means of supporting the argument you make in your research paper. 

The sources you reference need to be credible and authoritative. Check the following things to make sure you are using good, scholarly sources.

  • Check the date that your source was published. 
  • Is is recent and up-to-date? 
  • Was it written in a time frame that is relevant to your research? 
  • Finally, make sure the source you are using is being maintained and kept current.
  • Does this source give information or perspectives related to my research? 
  • Who was this source intended for?
  • How do I know this information is accurate?
  • Has it been reviewed before publication (peer-reviewed)?
  • Is the source unemotional and professional? 
  • Where did the author get his/her information?


  • Is the author affiliated with a university or another institution? What else has the author written?
  • What are his/her credentials? Are they qualified? Expertise in this field? There are many articles published claiming to be scholarly work by individuals claiming expertise but are of highly questionable credibility.
  • Is it peer-reviewed? Peer-reviewed scholarly work provides greater credibility to the publication.
  • Was the source published on-line? Check the URL for the domain. This can help you determine the origin of the document, for example whether it is produced by a federal or local agency, a nonprofit organization or a commercial web site. A web site on a university or institution's server is more likely to be a reliable objective source than one on a commercial site. Be wary of websites where the name of the author cannot be found.
  • NOTE: A journal article found online through a database is NOT a web resource.
  • Why was this source created? Determine if the page is a mask for advertising or politics; if yes, then the information could be biased.
  • A writer’s tone of how he/she writes is evidence of respect for the research process and for the opinions of others. Be wary of writers who express their views in an angry tone.
  • Is the intended audience a scholarly one? If so, it should have a clear bibliography that you will also be able to consult for further sources.
  • References and links to other sources can add to a document's credibility.



Evaluating Online Information – YouTube Videos

Evaluating Information Online in 2020 - This video provides dependable ways to evaluate online information using Wolfgram Library resources.

2021 Part I Evaluating online information CRAAP Test - This is Part I of a two-part video that introduces the CRAAP test as a framework for evaluating online information.

Evaluating Online SourcesLearn helpful techniques for evaluating online sources using the SIFT method.

Information Literacy Skill: Evaluating Online SourcesThis six minute video provides an overview on how to evaluate information we discover when searching online. 

Evaluating and Examining Online Sources - In this video, Hannah Hurdle, the Library eLearning Specialist at Ottenheimer Library (University of Arkansas, Little Rock), goes over the basics on how to evaluate and examine online sources for credibility and trustworthiness.

Evaluating Websites - Helping you identify fact from fiction - When it comes to evaluating website resources for university assignments, you need to consider how credible the source is. Considering the Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy and Bias of a website will help ensure your work is well researched.

How to Identify Mis-information and Fake News – YouTube Videos

How to Spot Fake News & Misinformation Online - Sort the fake from the fact! Our librarian Mollie Burns offers advice and resources for distinguishing credible resources from clickbait, trolling, and outright lies. She also discusses ways to verify information and the dangers of confirmation bias. Become a Misinformation Detective! By the way, we apologize for the repost. Our initial video had some audio issues on mobile.

Spotting Fake News on Social Media - We're looking at what you need to know to spot fake news on social media.

Discover Authoritative Information in the Age of Fake News - The spread of misinformation (or fake news) has potentially dangerous implications for political and societal spheres and has become of increasing concern to educators at all levels. Information literacy has been identified as one of the most effective methods for combatting fake news. Today’s educational systems must teach students to question the reliability of information. During this session, Engineering Librarian Jay Bhatt will share active learning approaches to engage students and help them learn how to decipher between real and fake news. 

Checking Your Facts: Effective Fact Checking for the World of Fake News - Nothing makes your content more attractive to your audience (and to Google) than trustworthiness. In fact trustworthiness is the T in Google's EAT (expertise, authority, and trustworthiness) ranking formula. In this video, I'll give you tips to help you become an effective fact checker and researcher to create trustworthy content.

Deepfakes, Deception, and Disinformation - Rapid advances in technology and artificial intelligence have made cybercriminal attacks and scams an everyday occurrence. Shuman Ghosemajumder, MBA '02, an expert in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, discusses how resilience and education can be useful tools to better protect you and your businesses from future attacks in an ever-changing, digital landscape.

How to Find Credible Sources for Research | Finding Reliable Sources – This twelve-minute video addresses information literacy topics such as purpose, authority, accuracy, relevance, timeliness and comprehensiveness.

How to Find Credible Sources for Research: Finding Credible Sources Online for your Essay or Paper – In an academic setting, being able to critically evaluate information is necessary in order to conduct quality research. Each item you find must be evaluated to determine its quality and credibility in order to best support your research. In this five minute video, the narrator shares strategies for selecting credible sources for your research.